This post is a little different. Rather than starting with the poem then giving notes, the notes come first, poem after the break.
This is a poem I wrote a while back, not sure when, probably within the past 2 years. It came to me as a song though. It has a folky ballad kind of sound. That’s another distinguishing feature to this post, I don’t write songs, I’m not terribly musically inclined.
The melody is somewhat inspired by the song “The Greatest Adventure” by Glen Yarborough as featured in the cartoon version of The Hobbit (from 1977).
At least one verse doesn’t flow with the melody well…I messed up on the meter somewhere.
I sang it tonight, for the first time ever, aloud, and in front of people. I think I need to fix the wonky verse, maybe tweak the order a little, the record it … and have someone who can write music put a backing track to it…maybe. Or maybe it’ll stay a capella. If I’m not terribly self-conscious after I get it recorded I’ll post here by way of YouTube…but that might never happen either.
This piece of work is also different from the rest of the work I’ve published here so far in the license, it’s CC-BY-NC — Creative Commons; Attribution; No Commercial.
Basically, it means that you are welcome to take it and do whatever you like with it, with two caveats: 1: You can’t sell it, or what you create from it. 2: You have to give me credit for the original work.
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