
She spins the music that sets the beat of my heart.
She dances ‘cross airwaves. She is poetry, she is art.
Stompy Beats or Vibes so Chill; winged eyeliner and lips of black.
Latex or leather, she holds the whips that crack.

Wumpscut, Aesthetic Perfection, Boy Harsher, Collide
Lost in her trance, the whole club catches her vibe.
With a smile and a nod, she can soften anyone’s resolve.
Dancing with her makes the world dissolve.

Looks, style, grace, flair — the Queen of DJs with a royal air.

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Dinner with my Family

[Intro Choral Hint]
Papa sets the table.
Cousins raise a glass.
All of us are able,
No one needs to fast.

[Verse 1]
Aunt Mary likes to dance with dear Uncle Vlad,
While sipping from the veins of a guy named Chad.
Little Caroline can turn into a bat.
And Lou Garou barks at the family cat.

Caroline and Lou both agreeeeeeeeee….
Our family is happy, as happy as can be.

[Main Chorus]
Papa sets the table.
Cousins raise a glass.
All of us are able,
No one needs to fast.
Join our gruesome dinner,
There is food enough.
Skeletons are thinner
Sinew can be tough.

[Verse 2]
Take a seat if you dare. Sit right beside me.
I won’t dare to bite you, unless asked nicely.
But I would stay away from Caroline’s roost.
Hey, that reminds me, how’s your tetanus boost?

We’re thrilled to have you here, it’s truuuuueeeeeee……
Uncle Hannibal may even add you to his stew.

[Main Chorus]
Papa sets the table.
Cousins raise a glass.
All of us are able,
No one needs to fast.
Join our gruesome dinner,
There is food enough.
Skeletons are thinner
Sinew can be tough.

Papa sets the table.
Cousins raise a glass.
All of us are able,
No one needs to fast.
Join our gruesome dinner,
There is food enough.
Skeletons are thinner
Sinew can be tough.

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The Witchling Kiki

It was many and many a year ago,  
   In a village by the sea,  
That a maiden there lived whom you may know  
   By the name of Witchling Kiki;  
And this maiden she lived with no other thought  
   Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,  
   In this village by the sea,  
But we loved with a love that was more than love—  
   I and my Witchling Kiki—  
With a love that the crows from the woods above  
   Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,  
   In this village by the sea,  
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling  
   My beautiful Witchling Kiki;  
So that her high broom flying came  
   And bore her away from me,  
To shut her up in a sepulchre  
   In this village by the sea.

The crows, not half so happy in the trees,  
   Went envying her and me—  
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,  
   In this village by the sea)  
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,  
   Chilling and killing my Witchling Kiki.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love  
   Of those who were older than we—  
   Of many far wiser than we—  
And neither the crows in the sky above  
   Nor the witches roaming the sea  
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul  
   Of the beautiful Witchling Kiki.

For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams  
   Of the beautiful Witchling Kiki;  
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes  
   Of the beautiful Witchling Kiki;  
And so, all the night-tide, I ride by the side  
   Of my witchling—my witchling—my life and my guide,  
In the sepulchre there by the sea,  
   In her tomb by the sounding sea.

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Love Is …

Love is a place.
A safe space,
Where you can be you, without fear.
Without judgment or reprisal; just to be clear.
Love is online, a community that fosters your growth.
Love is a home that supports and offers a troth.
Love is that one diner
Where you and your tribe couldn’t be finer.

But love is not *every* place.

Love is a person. They ask if you’ve eaten.
That ride-or-die friend that just cannot be beaten.
They tell you to drive carefully and text when you’re home.
They add color to life when it turns monochrome.
They listen; hold space.
They offer care and grace.

But love is not *every* person.

Love is a thing. A reminder of hope.
A hug in order to cope.
Love is hot chocolate with marshmallows on top.
That teddy bear when the tears won’t stop.

But love is not *every* thing.
In fact, love is so rarely the thing by itself,
Love is the feeling you get from that thing on the shelf.

Love is a clusterfuck of emotions.
Love can be happy. Love can be sad.
Love can be angry. Love can be mad.
Love is confusion. Love is irrational.
Love is calm. Love is magical.
Love is joy. Love is pain.
Love can be all of these at the same

Love is unconditional. But love sets boundaries.
Love is love, even if the sound varies.
It is freely given, without limits.
Love is how we survive all of these minutes.

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The Last Show

Who we were going to be was chosen for us by the choices we made.
We poured ourselves into our personas, while we delved deep into their psyches.
Over the run of time, we grew in each others’ light.
We grew, our characters grew, our friendships grew.
Time was kind to us, time was on our side, time stopped.
We laughed, we cried, we fought and nearly died.
As long as we held the stage, time could not move.

Then the clock started ticking again and time had run its course.
We took our bows and struck the set, and each tick of the secondhand brought us closer to the end.

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened,” we say, through tear soaked cheeks, knowing full well that crying is all we can do.

Yes, we’ll meet again and run another course.
But that time will be its own.
This experience will never happen again.
Each run is a unique adventure that can never be recaptured.
So I will smile through my tears as I slip away without saying …

“Good Bye.”

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My Gender/Orientation Unicorn

This is my Gender Unicorn.

a graphical representation of my gender expression and identity and my sexual and romantic orientation.
Gender Unicorn: He/Him, Genderfluid, Pansexual, AMAB

Click the link to see mine at the website and/or to make your own. Caveats: The sliders do not work on mobile last time I tried, but it seems there may have been some updates, so maybe they work now, I don’t know. Additionally, while I absolutely LOVE the idea and concept, those of us that are more fluid may have some trouble trying to decide whereto place the sliders. I certainly did. I kind of used the gender identity and expression sliders to approximate the likelihood of a given state, more or less.

I’m reviving my “Give Me a Word, I’ll Give you a Poem” thingy.

So, I’ve revived the spirit of my old Mass Mosaic tile that lead to a lot of the poems you’ll find if you explore my site. I posted in a FaceBook Group of like-minded people and they flooded me with poetry prompts! I love it!

Any poems that will be posted that are/were a result of such prompt will be released into the public domain and credit will be acknowledged for the prompts where applicable. (Some prompters may wish to use pseudonyms or otherwise remain anonymous.)

The idea is that when I have collected enough of my poems (regardless of origin) I’ll publish them as a collected work, possibly featuring some of my photography.